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Location: Tokyo, Japan
Position Type: Unfixed Term
Job Function: Finance

bioMérieux Japan Ltd.







  1. Primary Purpose and Overall Objective of the Job:

Manage all the assets including the equipment and spare parts logistics and administrative flows to ensure internal and external customer relationship and satisfaction at the best cost and in compliance with all external/internal regulations


Main Accountabilities:

  1. Installed base accountability
    1. Authorize and track the movements of all bioMérieux instruments in Japan and update the installed base information in SAP accordingly: new, used & refurbished instruments, in stock and at customer premises whether they are sold, rented, demo or evaluation instruments.
    2. Therefore, the IB administrator is responsible for the timely update and the accuracy of the installed base in SAP
    3. Check the coverage of each installed instruments with a relevant maintenance contract
    4. Propose action plans to increase the performance of the installed base and the maintenance contract coverage
  2. Accountant accountability
    1. Asset accounting
      1. Create and update all assets of the company in SAP. The most significant part of the company assets consisting of the capitalized instrument of the installed base: rented , demo and evaluation instruments
      2. Be in charge of the monthly closing operations related to fixed assets: disposals, scraps, monthly depreciation according to group and local accounting rules.
      3. Be in charge of the asset reporting: local asset reporting, tax reporting, group reporting, etc.
    2. Other responsibilities

Back-Up for other accountants on selected tasks.


  1. Typical Studies-Experience, Skills and Qualifications:
    1. Studies-Experience
      • Bookkeeping second grade
      • 2 to 5 years as an accountant including asset accounting
      • SAP: experienced is preferred
      • EXCEL: Intermediate
      • English: Intermediate
    2. Skills and Qualifications:
      • Ability to work with people in a cross multicultural environment
      • Successful experience in an international role/context
      • Autonomy
      • Rigor & process oriented
      • Business/customer centric
      • Strong ability to collaborate with other departments
      • Pro activeness in the continuous improvement of processes and performance..



        1)弊社製品、医療機器の資産管理- 売上(仕切書)登録

        2)弊社製品医療機器 IBCRによるデータ変更処理




        6)医療機器 Leasing データのアップデート・写真の確認、データの変更




        10)償却資産税申告/償却奉行 (市町村数200以上)

        PO CreationPurchase Order 注文の作成)

        1)PO Creation (現在はMIGO) POを作成する。

        2)PO Creation for Asset (Investment order作成、KO88KOB5)




        • ASPAC アジア地区の弊社製品管理知識共有や確認など
        • CRMの新しい機能や使い方のQ&Aをメインとしたセッション
        • ASPACアジア地区での各国の医療機器管理IBデータ確認(データの整合性や必須項目の入力など)プロジェクトに参加。
        • グローバルのファイナンスチーム主催のミーティングに参加する。Cofis reportingやTableauに影響するデータの整合性を整えていくプロジェクト。四半期に一度グローバルへ提出する資料。専用のexcelファイルがあるので、そこへ入力していく。





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